A wounded squirrel

In The Voyages of Doctor Dolittle Hugh Lofting tells how 9-year-old Tommy Stubbins met Doctor Dolittle…

When bad things happen

The day the hawk had me in his claws, I was badly hurt…

The recipe for authenticity

Being attacked by the hawk was the trigger that made me realise that I hadn’t been living authentically…

To quit or not to quit

Despite the fact that I didn’t have to quit my job to realise my dreams, I did quit…

The day after

The day I made the decision to quit my job I felt really strong, liberated, and most of all happy…

The path of the warrior

To learn how to deal with the panic, I started reading The Sacred Path of the Warrior

Simple living

When I calmed down, I started thinking about the life I would be living…

Sacred space

Seeing all the magic in the world around me made me understand the value of creating a sacred space at the oak tree…

Magic dreamcatcher

Even though I was safe in the sacred space of my oak tree, I was still having nightmares…

Squirrel of integrity

A question that immediately arose at the oak tree was ‘What will you do, and how will you go about doing it?’…

The secret to success

I am still on a quest to find out who I am and how I want to live…

The acorn theory

One year has passed and I find myself at another crossroads…

Healing pain

Five years have passed since I was attacked by a hawk…

Begin again

Seven years…