As the fog slowly lifts from the river dale, we soak up a few hazy rays of sun. Around us the blue tits are flying to and fro between the trees. Looking up I notice a bit of Traveller’s-Joy climbing up the branches of one of them. Come, let’s take a look! When we get closer, I realise they aren’t the fruits of a clematis at all. Instead they’re branches covered in frost with their ends dipped in frozen water drops. The soft light makes them glisten like tiny diamonds. The silken threads of a spider web hang in the tree like a frosted garland. We cherish these beautiful gifts of nature, as we celebrate the arrival of midwinter by the pine tree. It makes me reflect on the values I want to pass on to our little one, especially in a culture that seems to be oriented towards gold. Whenever I feel lost, I find inspiration in Sharon Blackie’s The Enchanted Life. She writes about the everyday magic that comes from deepening our connection to the natural world. Be present and you can find wonder where ever you go.