I’ve always been fascinated with urban foxes. On occassion I’ve seen them whilst cycling late at night. It always leaves me breathless. A fox in a metropolis! Being brought up in the countryside, I find it hard to believe. I saw one in our garden once, but (s)he vanished in the blink of an eye. About a month ago, I spotted one in my neighbour’s garden. I tried to take a photograph, but didn’t have much luck.
Today I start my new mission: To get a close-up photograph of an urban fox. I know I could just rent a 600mm telephoto zoom lens and get it over with, but that’s not my style. And it’s pretty expensive. So instead, I have to get close enough to get a shot with my Nikkor Micro 60mm lens. Quite the challenge!
First thing on my agenda is a visit to the local nature reserve. There is a picture of a fox on their can-you-spot-this-animal-poster, so it promises to be an easy way to get a photograph. The ranger on duty tells me that there is a fox den (with cubs!) in the park, but it’s closed off to the public. They do see him in the morning, about 5 meters away. Bummer. Luckily, I do learn some interesting facts about the fox’s lifestyle.
Back home I decide to set up a tent in the garden. Apparently they are active between 8-11pm and between 4-8am, so a stakeout seems a good idea. I put out some water and food. I’ve been contemplating the food part for a while. First, should I feed the fox? Most websites say it’s ok to feed urban foxes as long as you don’t overfeed them. Second, what should I feed the fox? As a vegetarian I am not too thrilled about going to the butcher, so I guess I’ll try different things before buying chicken.
11pm. No activity in the garden. My back hurts from lying on the ground. Whatever, I’m going to bed.