About a seal

The single most amazing thing about living at the beach is seeing the wild seal. The first time I saw her through my binoculars, I couldn’t believe my eyes. But then early this morning I went on an expedition to the sea. It was freezing cold and there were no people around. I had missed the blue hour, but was content with shooting early birds…

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The philosopher and the fox

I’ve always been fascinated with urban foxes. On occassion I’ve seen them whilst cycling late at night. It always leaves me breathless. A fox in a metropolis! Being brought up in the countryside, I find it hard to believe. I saw one in our garden once, but (s)he vanished in the blink of an eye. About a month ago, I spotted one in my neighbour’s garden. I tried to take a photograph, but didn’t have much luck.

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How to be a squirrel whisperer 1.01

how to be a squirrel whisperer1. Cultivate your love of furry creatures
2. Go to a squirrel habitat (preferably grey squirrels as they are less shy)
3. Walk around till you spot a squirrel (usually up in a tree)
4. Stand underneath the tree till she notices you
5. If she does not find you that interesting, convey that you’ve brought peanuts
6. Get down on your knees till she comes down (at a fair distance from the tree)
7. Lay down some peanuts in the space between you and her
8. Watch her eat them in peace
9. Repeat steps 7-8 until you have earned her trust (putting her paws on you is a good sign)
10. Slowly lean down on all fours and start snapping away
Some extra tips:
– avoid putting peanuts on your palm as she might mistake your fingertip for a peanut, which might be painful and lead to a re-do of step 1
– when you see a dog, stand up immediately, warn her so she can run up the tree, wait till her life is no longer in danger and repeat steps 6 till 10
– try to shoo away pigeons, crows and men who want some peanuts or a date.